Trainees' Role in Lifestyle Medicine

Shannon Worthman | Jonathan Bonnet, MD, MPH |Renae Thomas, MD

June 21, 2020

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Over 80% of U. S health care costs can be attributed to the treatment of chronic diseases rooted in unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. However, topics like nutrition, physical activity, or stress management are not typically covered in medical or health professional training. ACLM aims to alter this dynamic by equipping students with the knowledge and clinical skills to prevent, treat and reverse chronic disease through counseling and empowering patients to adopt healthy habits. This webinar reviews the spectrum of Lifestyle Medicine educational opportunities, member benefits, engagement, and advocacy opportunities available to students and trainees through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.

Learning Objectives:

1. Present opportunities of engagement within the Lifestyle Medicine community
2. Review the full spectrum of Lifestyle Medicine education opportunities from bachelor degrees through fellowship programs
3. Discuss actionable steps that students can take to advocate for the inclusion of Lifestyle Medicine at their academic institution
4. Showcase how two trainees successfully pursued a career in Lifestyle Medicine